Automotive Car Lockouts Covington, KY - Atlantic Locksmith Store


Emergency situations come unwarranted, and this has been an established fact for eons. Without being bound by time or space, emergency locksmith situations stir up and when they do happen, they are not pleasing at all. Imagine yourself being locked out of your car, and adding to the exasperation is the presence of your toddler inside the car. Situations like these may seem amusing when watched on TV screens, but when it happens to us, we are likely to lose our calm. Worry not anymore about such unfavorable situations, for help is not far at all! 

Atlantic Locksmith Store has been operating for the past 10 years to address these kinds of repulsive situations as and when they occur. We extend our services to residences, commercial owners and vehicle owners just so that our services are accessible to all in the Covington, KY area. Our auto locksmiths are one of a kind for they have been trained and honed to excel in their locksmithing area with fervor. When auto emergency locksmith issues crop up, our clients do not look for any other professional, as our locksmiths have won their trust by extending their extraordinary services for many years. What makes us stand out from the rest of the crowd is the fact that we do not just address the basic and apparent issues that ripple up, rather we are dedicated towards ensuring that the quality of your car locking systems is top-notch.
Apart from resolving the lockout issues, or fixing the broken lock, a troublesome ignition or any other such situations, we offer expert services to our clients by offering on-the-spot key-cutting services and other complex locksmith services that no other locksmithing firm can do as quickly and affordably as we do. With an extensive fleet of mobile locksmith vehicles to help us out, we arrive at the place of incidence in lesser than 15 minutes after your call. Our mobile locksmith vehicles are equipped with sophisticated technology and cutting-edge equipment, making us capable of resolving any kind of locksmith issues that occur in the finest manner. 

Our prominent services include: 

  • Swift resolution for car lockouts
  • 24/7 auto locksmith assistanceAtlantic Locksmith Store Covington, KY 859-412-4287
  • Rekeying services
  • Duplication of broken ignition keys 
  • Cutting of ignition keys 
  • Ignition repair services 
  • On-the-spot key cutting and installation 
  • Renewing the car doors
  • Creating and cutting laser keys and transponder keys 
  • Extraction of broken keys
  • Novel car keys 
  • Duplication of VAT key with ease 
  • Installation of car’s locking system wholly 
  • Quick troubleshooting

Misplacing your set of car keys places you in a high risk of losing access to your car, which is why our locksmiths have been trained to address such issues with expertise and precision. Our auto professionals will arrive at the location where you would like to get your services done and resolve the auto locksmith issues in the quickest span possible. They are trained to design transponder keys on-the-spot along with being capable of performing a plethora of other key-cutting services. 

Having an advanced locking system for your SUV or Sedan acts as an efficient measure to protect your vehicle from vandals, and without a doubt, our locksmiths are experts in fortifying your locking systems according to the advancements in the industry.
If you are faced with any kind of lock or locksmith issues, don’t hesitate to give us call. No other locksmithing frim can match up to us when it comes to offering quality, affordable and reliable auto locksmith services. 


Atlantic Locksmith Store Covington, KY 859-412-4287